
Distinguished by the diversity of its members, 网赌论坛有哪些欢迎来自世界各地的各种信仰的人. 跨信仰教堂致力于支持这种遗产和群体的混合表达.

Chaplains and Faith Community Leaders

这所大学有12个宗教或精神团体或社区,它们是跨信仰教堂的一部分. The Roman Catholic Newman Community, the Protestant Chapel Community, Hillel, 查巴德和克鲁都有全职牧师或宗教领袖为他们的学生社区服务, 其中三位牧师在跨宗教教堂有办公室.

禅修团及佛教学生协会, URCF, the Muslim community, the Hindu community, 异教徒学生协会和Agape都由兼职牧师或宗教领袖服务,他们在跨信仰教堂共享办公空间. 基督教运动员团契是一个学生团体,主要聚集在校园的运动空间祈祷和相互支持.

跨宗教合作学生协会提供跨宗教项目和活动,将许多不同信仰传统的学生聚集在一起,进行跨宗教教育, dialogue and service. 他们由宗教和精神生活主任提供建议.

The director, chaplains, 宗教团体领袖共同努力,以满足当今宗教和精神现实的方式回应学生的需求. 我们努力跨越传统上将不同信仰传统的人们分开的界限, and of none at all. 我们鼓励学生拥抱多样性,这是这所大学和我们国家生活的重要组成部分,并将多样性作为智力的一种手段, emotional and spiritual growth.



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Agape Christian Fellowship

A multi-ethnic student group devoted to learning, understanding, and applying the Word of God into our lives. 我们寻求通过各种服务项目和志愿者参与机会来影响我们的社区和文化. See the Agape Christian Fellowship website for more information.

Headshot of Charles Muratore.

Charles Muratore
(585) 943-6937

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Chabad House – Jewish Student Community

温暖友好的氛围为学生赢得了“家外之家”的美誉, where a meaningful Jewish experience can be enjoyed. See the Chabad House website for more information.

Asher Yaras

Rabbi Asher Yaras
(585) 503-9224

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Cru是一个充满爱心的社区,热衷于将人们与耶稣基督联系起来. Cru努力创造一个环境,任何人都可以来对话和探索有关信仰和灵性的问题, as well as a place where Christian students can grow, mature, be mentored, 并有机会带领和活出他们对耶稣基督的信仰.

Mercy Gbenjo.

Mercy Gbenjo

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Hillel – Jewish Life

Hillel is proud to be the catalyst for vibrant, pluralistic, inclusive Jewish life at UR: all kinds of Jewish, all kinds of Jews. 希勒尔努力营造一种环境,让每个犹太学生都感到有能力在校园里有意义地参与犹太教和犹太人的生活, and in an enduring way long after. See the Hillel website for more information.

Joy Getnick

Joy Getnick
(585) 314-3707

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Hindu Community

印度教学生协会的项目和空间旨在滋养思想, body and soul. 礼拜服务支持协作的精神参与,而祈祷和冥想空间提供了安静反省的机会. 讲座和讨论涉及古典和当代的主题. Hindus and non-Hindus, undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, post-docs, 罗彻斯特大学欢迎所有教职员工成为充满活力的印度教社区的一部分.

Sanjay Mathur

Sanjay Mathur
Advisor to Hindu, Sikh, Jain Students
(201) 757-2278

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InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship

我们是一群网赌论坛有哪些生,他们致力于发展一个以精神发展为共同目标的支持性社区, academic excellence, and Christian witness. 会议时间和地点取决于感兴趣的学生的可用性. Contact Eric Bean for details.

Eric Bean

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Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) – Islamic Community

两个MSAs(本科生和网赌论坛有哪些生)为在校的穆斯林学生服务. 他们为穆斯林社区提供有趣的节目, conduct Jumma prayers on Fridays, 参加校园里的跨宗教活动,向社区宣传伊斯兰教. See the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) website for more information.

Zeynab Abdullayeva

Zeynab Abdullayeva
Advisor to Muslim students
(585) 275-8517

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Newman Community – Roman Catholic Christianity

As people of Catholic Christian faith, 我们聚集在一起,通过培育智力生活和精神生活之间的联系,丰富我们与上帝和彼此之间的关系. See the Newman Community website for more information.

Brian Cool

Rev. Brian Cool
(585) 275-8523

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Pagan Students' Association

异教学生协会是各种信仰的异教学生实践我们的宗教/灵性的空间, have community, learn from one another, and hold ritual celebrations together. Join our CCC group to stay updated!

Headshot of Sean Watson.

Sean Watson
B114 Sigma Phi Epsilon House
Rochester NY 14627
(585) 276-6839

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新教教堂社区是一个开放和邀请的主流新教基督教学生团体,他们每周敬拜并定期一起参加服务项目, education, and fellowship. See the Protestant Chapel Community website for more information.

Headshot of Samuel Kinsman.

Rev. Samuel Kinsman
Protestant Chaplain 

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罗彻斯特大学基督教团契致力于通过提供充满精神的福音传统的基督教新教服务来服务大学社区. For more information see the UR Christian Fellowship website.

Brian White

Brian White
(585) 275-8517

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Zen Meditation Group

禅宗佛教小组提供了一个机会,让学生探索佛教和其他东方传统通过每周一次的冥想会议, discussions, and traditional Buddhist ceremonies. 无论您是对佛教充满好奇还是虔诚的修行人,我们都欢迎您的加入.

Kristin Hocker

Kyle Trenshaw

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