


在给大学社区的信息中, President Sarah Mangelsdorf and 临时教务长 莎拉Peyre announced changes to spring 2022 operations, 包括:

  • 所有学术课程将如期开始, but classes (with the exception of clinical classes in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing) will be conducted online for the month of January.
  • 尚未到校的学生应推迟返校.




作为我们的后续 12月23日消息, we want to provide further details on how we are currently planning for the return to Eastman and River Campuses next week, 以及我们对春季学期作业的预期. 这里的公共卫生形势继续演变, 因此,如果情况发生变化,我们将继续与您保持联系.

自从我们上次写信以来, the Rochester area and many locations throughout the country have continued to see a surge in COVID-19 cases as a result of the omicron variant, 连续几天刷新每日记录. 我们的乐观基于网赌论坛有哪些医学中心的指导, and county and national data—is that this surge represents the peak of omicron infections in Rochester and that new case numbers will soon subside, 让我们安全地恢复我们的春季课程安排亲自和准时. 以这种方式前进也符合 州长凯西·霍赫尔(Kathy Hochul)最近的omicron指导.


  • 所有本科生和网赌论坛有哪些生应按计划返校;
  • 课程将如期开始,亲自上课;
  • 我们将如期为新一届学生进行入学培训;
  • 网赌论坛有哪些活动将继续亲自进行, 遵守COVID安全措施(接种疫苗), 屏蔽);
  • Intercollegiate athletics events will continue, in keeping with current NCAA guidance;
  • 河校园和伊士曼餐饮服务将与许多Grab全面运营 & 去选择.


  • 所有教师在课堂上必须戴口罩, 不管老师和学生之间有多远, 2月1日截止;
  • All student extracurricular activities will be held virtually 2月1日截止; all other planned activities, 比如讲座和会议, 强烈建议在可能的情况下转移到网上, 一月;
  • The Rettner Hall COVID testing site on River Campus will only be testing unvaccinated faculty, 工作人员, and students who have exemptions—those individuals required to participate in weekly surveillance testing—and symptomatic students as directed by University Health Service (UHS).

The University has also received approval from Monroe County for our revised isolation policy, which will help us maximize our space and support services for an increased student population needing isolation. 立即生效, students who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for a minimum of five days and will be released from isolation upon receipt of a negative rapid antigen test result or a full 10-day isolation. 如果第5天的快速抗原检测结果呈阳性, 个人可以在第7天进行第二次快速抗原检测. If the antigen test on Day 7 is negative, the individual can be released from isolation at that time. 结果仍然是肯定的, 个人必须完成完整的10天隔离期.

的详细信息 新的隔离指南, 包括对校内和校外隔离的指导, 可在大学的COVID-19资源网站上获得.

为了让所有这些规划和新政策取得成功, we truly do need your help—more than ever—to keep the 网赌论坛有哪些 community safe and healthy this semester. 我们希望避免课堂中断, 学生们不得不被隔离, and 工作人员ing shortages because we know this impacts our University operations and our research and learning activities. 我们都在经历某种流行病的疲劳, 但我们要求每个人继续保持警惕, 不仅仅是为了保护自己, 也是为了保护我们社区里的其他人, 无论是校内还是校外. 毫无疑问,两年的掩盖和测试是艰难的, 但现在比以往任何时候都更重要, 我们必须也能够一起度过难关!


学生: 如果你还没有这么做的话, 如果符合条件,请在返回校园之前接种强化疫苗. The CDC has recently reduced the recommended length of time following the second of a two-vaccination Pfizer series from 6 months to 5 months, 所以请检查你的资格. 疾控中心有一个 关于疫苗加强注射的有用资源页面.

接种疫苗, 提高, and masking are the best protections against the omicron variant 和y are required for all students. 你可以通过检查找到你所在地区的加强疫苗接种地点 www.疫苗.政府. For students who are unable to get the booster before arriving on campus for the spring semester, 保健处会在旅客抵达后提供如何接种疫苗的指引, which likely will include directing students to one of the Rochester-area sites where the booster is available: the 门罗县大规模疫苗接种点五指湖疫苗中心. 春季学期开始的时候, the University will begin to send notices to students who are eligible to receive the booster but who have not yet done so.

  • 上传: All students who have received the booster should upload an image of their vaccine card to UHSConnect (网站说明). 请上传包含您姓名的卡片正面和背面, 出生日期, 疫苗制造商, 疫苗批号, 以及接受所有剂量的日期.

学生如对疫苗接种有任何疑问,可致电大学保健处 uhscovid19@uhs.罗彻斯特.edu or (585) 275-2662.

COVID测试: 另外, all students living in University housing who have been away from campus for the winter break must show a negative COVID-19 test (within the past 72 hours) when returning to campus, 或出示在过去90天内感染COVID的证明. 这项测试要求也适用于第一次入学的学生.

请注意从 春季2022更新:给学生,教师和工作人员的消息 我们上个月发出的通知:入学的学生在校园内没有考试选择, 因此,请提前计划,并在返回校园之前进行测试.

  • 上传: 所有接受COVID测试的学生应将以下内容上传到 UHSConnect:测试结果的图像, 全名, 出生日期, 测试完成的日期/时间(写在试卷上或其他文件上).

如果您的COVID测试呈阳性, 您必须在家中完成10天的隔离期, 由阳性检测日期起计. 当您从COVID中恢复过来时,我们将准备好亲自欢迎您.

There is one additional change from our Spring 2022 update message: 学生 who remained on campus during the winter break do not need to have a negative COVID test.

教职员工: The University strongly encourages all faculty and 工作人员 to receive the booster when eligible. 另外, instructional faculty should plan to remain masked in class for the month of January and be prepared to provide virtual learning and classroom support to any student who is unable to attend classes due to COVID restrictions. It’s essential that the learning process continue for students who may be in isolation or quarantine, 我们非常感谢大家在这方面的帮助. The Provost’s Office will be sending a separate message to faculty with helpful information on planning and executing online access for students who are in isolation.


Dr. 聊天机器人: 我们知道博士. 在过去的两年里,随着新冠肺炎疫情的起伏,聊天机器人的使用也在减少, 但是在春季学期,我们要求每天都有博士课程. 聊天机器人参与每个人在大学物业. The data we gather every day is essential to our understanding of the presence of COVID on campus, 这反过来又对我们的运营决策至关重要. Morning emails will continue to serve as reminders to complete the quick health screening each day, 出现COVID-19症状的学生应使用 Dr. 聊天机器人 向保健处报告,以便尽快接受检查. Dr. 聊天机器人也可以通过UR移动应用程序使用.

继续做出明智的个人决定: Everyone is asked to keep up the good practices that help keep themselves and everyone around them safe and healthy, 例如在室内戴口罩(大学规定), 避免大型公开集会, 勤洗手. 在任何地方都要戴上口罩,以保护自己和他人免受感染. New research suggests that N95 or KN95 masks are the most effective for preventing omicron transmission. These type of masks are readily available through pharmacies and online outlets, such as Amazon. 强烈建议学生使用这些口罩来代替布口罩, 或者双层掩模, 以获得最大的COVID保护.


  • 学生:通过报告 Dr. 聊天机器人 立即进行测试.
  • Employees: Contact your primary care provider to arrange for testing and treatment; the Rettner Hall Caswood testing site is not available for symptomatic employee testing.

由于我们快速变化的公共卫生环境, 在接下来的几周内,我们大学的协议很有可能会改变. 很难预测会发生什么, 如果有任何, 我们可能需要做出改变, 但我们感谢你们在这种不确定性中的耐心和灵活性. If we need to make any changes in protocols or operations, we will let you know as soon as possible. 与此同时,我们希望你休息得很好. We’re looking forward to a happy, healthy 2022, and to welcoming you back for the spring semester.

一如既往地, 我们感谢大家的坚持, 弹性, 努力工作, 并在这动荡的时期做出牺牲. Together, we will make it through this adversity and continue to learn, discover, heal, and create.


莎拉·C. Mangelsdorf
总裁与G. 小罗伯特·维特默. 大学教授
