

大学的学生, 工作人员, 教师和校友 that are veterans of the armed forces are 支持ed from within this Alliance.

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提供退伍军人学生, 工作人员, 教职员工,校友和他们的家人都有资源, 支持, 在高等教育中取得成功需要倡导.

  • To provide a network of 支持 to military veterans, their families and civilian 支持ers
  • To educate the university community about the experiences of military veterans and work with the university administration to meet the needs of student veterans and prospective student veterans
  • 对老学生说, 工作人员, 教职员工和校友通过定期会议关注的问题, 宣传, 社交和娱乐活动
  • 培养老学员的团队精神, 工作人员, 教师和校友 and promote an understanding of veteran students, 工作人员, 教员和校友问题



会员 in the 退伍军人联盟 @ UR is open to all students, 工作人员, 教师和校友 of the 网赌论坛有哪些 who are interested in 支持ing student veterans within the campus community. 活动和节目主要针对在校生, 工作人员, 教师和校友 that are serving or have served in the armed forces of any nation. Workforce members can register themselves as members of the 退伍军人联盟 at UR by contacting the Secretary via e-mail or hardcopy mail, 可以选择成为匿名会员, 或者已知的成员. No prospective membership shall be refused membership based on their sex, 性别, 宗教,年龄, 比赛, 或信条. All general members will have the opportunity to hold office and serve on committees, 接收资源材料, 并参加退伍军人联盟@ UR特别活动.



  • 提交您的电子邮件地址将使您加入我们的邮件列表. You will be updated on up-coming events and learn about participating in the 退伍军人联盟.


  • 联系学生, 工作人员, 教师和校友 across the entire University footprint to build community
  • 增加老学生的知名度, 工作人员, 大学社区中教师和校友关心的问题
  • Serve as role models to the 网赌论坛有哪些 community and the Greater Rochester area by 支持ing the mission of the University through innovative relationships with organizations throughout our institution and the community


  • Provide a 支持 network for veteran students, 工作人员, 教师和校友 and their families
  • Enhance the awareness and understanding of the University community about the experiences of student veterans through training and other related events/activities
  • Coordinate with the University administration to meet the needs of veteran students, 工作人员, 教师和校友
  • Provide outreach programs to potential veteran students, 工作人员, 教师和校友
  • Organize and participate in campus and local military service events, 包括对当地退伍军人服务提供者的支持





Cpt. 内森纽约


Peter Robinson, URMC副总裁兼首席运营官


1. Responsible for overall operations and strategic development of the organization.
2. 为执行局和会员大会提供便利, 最终整理会议议程和报告机制.
3. Act as liaison to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Inclusion, 教师发展和多样性办公室, 以及整个社区.


1. To increase awareness of the 退伍军人联盟 @ UR through various University and community based programs
2. To be liaison to the community on all 退伍军人联盟 @ UR initiatives
3. To 支持 and create opportunities for 退伍军人联盟 @ UR in the community

1. To 支持 and create professional development opportunities for 退伍军人联盟 @ UR within the University community
2. 支持和创建领导力系列
3. To increase awareness of professional development based programs or professional development opportunities

1. To communicate the positions of the 退伍军人联盟 @ UR by the use of public contacts, 潜在的通讯活动, 以及多样性意识活动
2. To communicate closely with the 椅子persons on information obtained and established
3. 维护社交网站(即. Facebook)
4. 与网站管理员沟通,保持网页更新.

1. 维持会员关系, 帮助增加会员数量, 保持准确的成员关系, 活动和政策记录
2. To maintain the membership list and work closely with the Secretary to control the release of information in a timely manner
3. 协助招募义工及社区服务
4. 职责不限于上述

1. 成为支持退伍军人联盟@ UR的支柱
2. 为问题解决提供执行审查(如适用)
3. 作为退伍军人联盟@ UR的倡导者
4. 与员工沟通,亲和团队领导


General membership meetings will be held at a minimum of two meetings per year. 地点和时间可能有所不同, depending on availability of conference space and general consensus on meeting times. The 执行委员会 may call executive meetings as needed and limit attendance to itself and to those individuals it chooses to invite. 沟通 on the meeting venue and 年龄nda items shall originate with the Secretary and be sent electronically to the appropriate e-mail distribution list. Special consideration shall be provided for anyone who does not have access to e-mail. Any general member can submit 年龄nda items through the Secretary to be included in the mailing prior to the next meeting. 会议 shall be facilitated by the Co-椅子s, Guest Speakers, or 其他委员会成员. 会议记录将由秘书或指定人员记录. 执行局将举行双月会议.


Revisions and amendments to these bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of the 执行委员会. Copies of the proposed amendment shall be sent to each board member along with the notice of the meeting at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date. If an action under a proposed amendment would be greater in scope than the proposed amendment of which the Board received notice, 在该会议上不得对其采取行动, 为此必须召开一次新的会议. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board members present and voting shall be necessary to adopt any amendment or modification to these bylaws. Once changes have been adopted they can be found on the 退伍军人联盟 at UR website.


The 退伍军人联盟 @ UR may be dissolved by an affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the membership, with the option to be reestablished under the same guidelines or modified if necessary at any given time.




The Office of Alumni Relations and Constituent Eng年龄ment – Health and Wellness 资源