Getting Started in Research

Learn more about what it means to do research as an undergraduate student. Check out our Guide to Getting Started for tips on exploring your interests, marketing your strengths, 专业沟通. 观看我们的“如何开始网赌论坛有哪些”视频. Find out about conferences and publications where you can share your research, 比如《本科生网赌论坛有哪些杂志》. Explore!

Want help navigating undergraduate research at the University of Rochester? Contact us at or try our new AURA system 查看招聘信息和网赌论坛有哪些.

Research Your Area of Interest
  • Use department webpages, 我们的按部门网赌论坛有哪些页面, or the URMC lab / clinical pages to identify faculty doing work on a topic, problem, disease, or technique that is of interest to you. Consider:
    • Current projects or research interests of different professors or research teams
    • Focuses of recent publications
    • Recent research news releases related to a research team or research topic (try the University Newscenter or the URMC Research Blog)
  • Network! Most positions are found by knowing the right person at the right time—don’t be afraid to talk to people to gather information, 不只是为了找个职位.
    • Network with your peers: Join the undergraduate council or organization affiliated with your major (check out Campus Community Connection).
    • Network with your professors: Attend office hours, seminars, and department events to get to know faculty members.
  • 访问部门网站或 大学活动、讲座和演讲日历 to 参加你感兴趣的领域的网赌论坛有哪些研讨会.
  • 探索结构化的机会 summer research positions on and off campus. 虽然有些职位更喜欢有网赌论坛有哪些经验的学生, 另一些则被设计成你进入网赌论坛有哪些的第一个入口!
  • Check out the 格林职业中心的简历页面.
    • 安排或顺便参加一个会议 有格林中心的工作人员帮忙 定制一页纸的“网赌论坛有哪些简历” 这将最好地展示你的兴趣和技能.
  • Identify and hone your "soft skills“这将推动你成功地参与网赌论坛有哪些文化.
  • Ask your department undergraduate advisor (or CCAS advisor) about courses that would be beneficial for preparing for research in your area.
  • 保持你的平均成绩,做最好的自己.
    • 通过以下途径寻求校内支持 Learning Center, study groups, and course office hours if there’s a class that’s giving you trouble.
  • Identify concrete blocks of times in your schedule when you would be available to do research work.
    • Figure out your “number”: how many hours per week are you going to be able to commit consistently to research?
    • 你投入时间和精力的能力 fully accountable to your commitment is one of the most important components of a positive research experience. Plan ahead!
  • 探索结构化的机会 summer research positions on and off campus.
    • 虽然有些职位更喜欢有网赌论坛有哪些经验的学生, 另一些则被设计成你进入网赌论坛有哪些的第一个入口!
Reach Out!
  • 给教授发一封最初感兴趣的邮件. 如果教授是一个更大的网赌论坛有哪些团队的一员, 检查一下是否有实验室经理, post-doctoral student, 或者是你可以在邮件中提到的网赌论坛有哪些人员. In your email, think about:
    • Respect: you are speaking with busy people who know working with undergraduate students means a time and training commitment on their part
    • Who you are: your year and major (recommend attaching a resume instead of going into too much written detail)
    • Your area of interest for research and your goal/reason for wanting to be involved
    • 具体说明你为什么要联系那位教授. 你为什么对他们的工作感兴趣? 关于他们的作品,你读到过哪些吸引你的地方?
    • 网赌论坛有哪些准备:相关培训, courses, skills, 或以前的经历(简短), if applicable)
  • In your initial email, 包括一次会议的请求 讨论正在进行的项目/导师的网赌论坛有哪些. 与教授见面时,你应该:
    • Review the information about the professor and their research before you meet with them.
    • Go curious and confident! A professor is looking for someone who respects the importance of their work and is motivated to learn more.
    • Be prepared to give them a summary of the coursework and skills relevant for the work you might be doing.
    • 要明白指导一个本科生做网赌论坛有哪些项目需要多少时间 导师的实质性努力. It is important that the project and student fit well together and that the timing works for the mentor.
  • Follow-up on your email 如果你在一周内没有收到回复. 回复你的原始消息以保持联系链.
  • Meet with a department advisor and/or undergraduate coordinator to discuss research you've identified as interesting and faculty you have reached out to—they may have valuable feedback, advice, or connections for you.

点击这里查看一些示例邮件. 请注意,他们都具有专业精神, context, specific content, and brevity; see that your messages have these characteristics, too!

Complete Independent Trainings

Project-specific training will likely be needed once you connect with a research team. Ask your supervisor! In the meantime, see if you can complete any independent trainings that match your research intentions:

  • 临床网赌论坛有哪些准备训练 resources
    • What is it? All the foundational trainings you'll need to get started in human subjects research (CITI, HIPAA),在一系列模块中聚集在一起. 当你完成培训后,把它们添加到你的简历中!
    • How do you access it? 在黑板“课程”选项卡中搜索“临床网赌论坛有哪些训练”.
  • SPARC pathway 对于那些对生物科学网赌论坛有哪些感兴趣的人.
    • What is it? A series of online and in-person courses designed to help you prepare for and make the most of a research experience. 课程侧重于培养技术和专业技能.
    • How do you access it? 在Blackboard“courses”选项卡中搜索“SPARC”.
  • 在线搜索免费教程和研讨会. There are many websites, for example, that offer crash courses in Python or R.
  • Use the University Events Calendar to check for research-relevant campus workshops available through the library (e.g.(修补空间)、学生服务办公室和个别部门.
  • Go curious and confident. 一个很适合做网赌论坛有哪些的人会是
    • Authentically interested in the work the research team is doing (indicators: questions, attentiveness),
    • Trainable (indicators: timeliness, attentiveness, 乐于学习新事物,而不是试图表现得像个专家, follow-up on meetings, availability in schedule),
  • 在你开会之前,仔细想想
    • 你对网赌论坛有哪些团队的工作感兴趣的是什么 what caught your attention about their projects, publications, and what you read about on their website?
    • 你想从参与中得到什么 in research? 它和你的个人目标有什么关系?
    • What questions you have-有时这是最难的部分. 如果可以的话,至少问两个问题.
      • Content questions might arise from a topic you're interested in that the lab studies that you want to know more about.
      • Skill 问题是关于你每天要做什么, 网赌论坛有哪些小组可能会使用多么独特的仪器啊, whether there's any literature you can read to prepare for that type of work, 如果有技能你可以通过研讨会或在线培训, etc.
      • Social questions get at the way the lab group functions—who you will be working most closely with, how frequent lab meetings are, and so on.
  • Bring a paper copy of your resume and current class schedule with you, in case talks about availability come up (great for demonstrating trainability and responsibility/accountability).
  • Bring a notepad 在合适的场合做笔记.
  • 如果你要和一个实验小组的负责人见面,要求一个实验室 tour or to talk to a graduate student about what they like about working in the lab.
  • 与你的导师/主管建立明确的期望. You and your mentor should come to an agreement on the following areas before you get started to cultivate a positive working relationship:
    • 你们多久见面一次
    • How closely you will work with a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow in addition to the faculty member
    • What blocks of time, hours of the day, or hours per week, consecutive weeks, or quarters you will work
    • How you will be trained
    • 你是否会参加实验室或网赌论坛有哪些小组会议(和, if so, 你需要为他们准备什么吗?
    • Whether you will work in the lab or research area, or if there is work you can take home to complete
    • 你最终会生产出什么样的产品
  • 做一个积极负责的人 发起和组织一对一的沟通.
  • Work with your mentor to 设定短期和长期的目标和截止日期 针对项目的不同阶段.
  • 了解你的教员的交流习惯. When does email suffice? 你们什么时候必须面对面? 如果有的话,你可以打电话到他们家里?
  • Consider 发送会议摘要,重申任务和分工.
  • Always 阅读老师推荐的书籍或文章 给你,并分享你的回应. Take the faculty member’s suggestions seriously and let them know that their time with you is well-spent.
  • Always express your thanks 在老师花时间和你见面之后. Send a thank you note or email stating what you gained from the interaction and how you plan to move ahead.