
Parent and Family Relations encourages families to have ongoing communication with their undergraduate student. Discussions may include grades, interpersonal relationships, research and internships opportunities. Often, families are interested in learning their student's grades. If you have already discussed grades and academic progress or difficulty with your student and are seeking additional information, 请参阅下面的信息发布政策. 

We welcome communication from the parents and guardians of our students. Our aim is to be as responsive as possible within legal guidelines. Our policies of communication about students are both informed and constrained by federal legislation.


The policy of the College is to release grade information to parents when permitted by law, unless the student objects and/or disclosure would not be in the student's best interest in the judgment of the College.

联邦法律(FERPA) generally prohibits a school's disclosure of grades without the student's consent. 然而, 学校可能, 但不是必须的, disclose academic information to the parents of students who can be claimed as dependents under federal tax laws.

学院一般会接受书面申请(不是通过电子邮件)。, signed requests by students to release their grades to parents or other persons specified. 签署, written (not emailed) grade requests by parents of undergraduates will also generally be honored; however, the College may deny a request if the student objects or if the dean decides that disclosure is not in the student's best interest, 或者如果学生不能被声称为受抚养人.


Students have access to their grades online; paper copies of grade reports are not sent either to students or parents. 然而, parents may request grades for students under the age of 21 by sending a signed request to the registrar. 学院 sends copies of letters concerning academic probation to the parents of students who are not yet 21 years old.


学院 does not routinely inform families about student disciplinary action. 例外情况有:

  • 对学生或其他人来说,存在明显的风险
  • 地位的改变已经生效了 
  • A first year student has a change of residence for disciplinary reasons

Students may grant access to their disciplinary files by signing a release. This is a standard option for all students involved in disciplinary action.

The 网赌论坛有哪些 complies fully with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. 1232g. FERPA需要, 除了一些有限的例外情况, that the student's consent must be obtained before disclosing any personally identifiable information in the student's education records. One such exception is disclosure [of grades] to parents of dependent students.


The relationship between the 大学保健处 providers and their patients is confidential. 通知他人, 包括父母, 朋友, and University faculty and administrators is considered the student's responsibility, unless the situation is serious and the student is unable to assume responsibility for informing others. Parental notification and consent will be obtained for students under age 18, as required by law. 访问 大学保健处 了解更多信息.

All contact with the 大学心理咨询中心 therapists is confidential. The fact that a student is using UCC will not be disclosed to any University official or faculty member, 或者给家人, 朋友, 和室友, 未经学生允许, 除非在非常特殊的情况下. Those circumstances are limited to instances when a student’s life or that of another person is in danger. 访问 大学心理咨询中心 了解更多信息.

These policies are part of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Regulations (HIPAA). This federal law regulates how hospitals and physicians can report information about their patients. It has significant impact on our ability to communicate information about students receiving health care while in college.

学院's aim is to be as helpful and responsive to students and their families as the law will allow. We have therefore encouraged College personnel (coaches, area directors, deans etc.) to make every effort to communicate with or to accompany students in the Emergency Department to provide the extra support and care often needed when students are away from home.

Because we cannot guarantee being able to inform families when a student's health and safety is affected, it is our policy actively to encourage the student to contact his or her family and 朋友 directly and immediately.