
CLICK HERE 观看2024年网赌论坛有哪些博览会获奖名单



The 本科生网赌论坛有哪些博览会 is a University-wide event in which University of Rochester students at all levels and in all areas of study are invited to present their investigative and creative work. The Expo reflects the passion for learning that enlivens the University, 教授和学生都一样, 它以各种形式表现出来, in every area of study.

Speakers Symposium

专题讨论会将于 Friday, April 5 in the 拉什·里斯图书馆霍金斯·卡尔森房间. 会议时间为上午10时至下午5时30分.

  • 10:00-11:30 -自然科学
    • Derek ChienSymposium Speakers
    • Katherine Kaiser
    • Sarah Mehta
    • Miraz Sadi
    • Ashley Updike
    • Natasha Vacca
  • 12:00-1:30 -工程部 & Math
    • Zichen Bai
    • Loralai Crawford
    • Alexander Martin
    • Sicheng (JD) Qian
    • Stephanie Wang
  • 2:00-3:30 - Humanities
    • Kirsten Bell
    • Kendal Jordan
    • Glory Linebach
    • Clarice Speight McKee
    • Lizmairi Vargas Santa
  • 4:00-5:30 -社会科学
    • Garrett Briggs
    • Dariel Guerra
    • Geneva Hinkson
    • 柯罗伯特,李一臣,钟慕臣,岛崎裕香
    • Trisha Mondal
    • Ben Noe, Keitaro Ogawa, Oskar leko

演讲人研讨会将分为四场会议, each representing a distinct disciplinary section of the University: humanities, 工程与数学, natural sciences, and social sciences. There are six presentations during each session; each speaker will give a 10-minute presentation with 5 minutes of Q & A immediately following.

New! 网赌论坛有哪些及闪电讲座

Wednesday, April 10下午4:30 - 6:30,费尔德曼舞厅

Students may also apply to present a Lightning Talk on their research. 演讲应该面向外行听众. 这项比赛将有助于磨练网赌论坛有哪些交流技巧.


  • 演讲时间不得超过3分钟. A timer will be used, and presenters will get 1:00 minute, :30 second, and :15 second warnings.
  • 只允许一个静态滑梯. 不允许任何形式的幻灯片过渡或动画.
  • 不允许使用其他道具.
  • 当演讲者开始讲话时,演讲就开始了.

A maximum of twenty students will be selected to give lightning talks. Judges will award a first prize, and audience members will select a “Viewers’ Choice” award. 每位获奖者将获得一张价值100美元的亚马逊礼品卡.

而我们的比赛不是正式的3MT比赛, 学生可能会发现它有助于查看一些 昆士兰大学提供的资源:

  • 冲洗幻灯片的技巧
  • 整理演讲的技巧
  • 过去3MT比赛的决赛视频

Poster Presentation


海报展将在费尔德曼舞厅举行 Douglass Commons from 1:30–3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 12.

The Poster Presentation Fair serves as a place for all undergraduate students who have conducted research in the last year to present their findings to the University community and beyond. See Printing Resourses 详情及海报规格.

Awards Ceremony

The following Expo Awards will be presented immediately following the Poster Fair:

  • President's Award: Awarded to the top oral presentation from each of the four disciplinary areas of the Speakers Symposium
  • Deans' Award: Awarded to the second-place oral presentation from each of the four disciplinary areas of the Speakers Symposium
  • 教授选择奖:颁发给四名参加海报展的学生, 四个学科领域各选一个

此外,学生会还将展示他们的 年度教授奖.

How to Get Involved

Students who have engaged in research and who are interested in participating in the Expo are requested to fill out an application form by the March 18 deadline. 我们将接受推荐,直到 学生截止日期后四天. 参见下面的“重要日期”.

无论你是否参与了本科网赌论坛有哪些, we invite you to attend the Exposition and see some of the exciting things your fellow students are doing.


Students interested in participating in the poster fair and/or speakers symposium should fill out an application form. Your supervisor need not be a Rochester faculty member; letters in support of your presentation may be written by your mentor/P.I. 无论地点、机构或隶属关系如何.


  • It is 这项网赌论坛有哪些不一定是在网赌论坛有哪些进行的.
  • All current University of Rochester undergraduates may submit an application.
  • Only 每个项目一份申请 is necessary.
  • 如果提交一个共同提交的项目, please designate one student as communications liaison to complete the application. Add a "co-presenters: Full Name, major(s), and class year" line to the top of your abstract.
  • 所有申请人必须提交一份 abstract.
  • Those who wish to apply for an oral presentation will also need to submit a 2-page description: PDF only, maximum of 2 single-spaced pages (excluding diagrams/charts/images), 详细介绍项目背景, techniques and methods, and pertinent results. Describe the expected project status in April if the project is currently incomplete.
  • 口头陈述申请需要一封支持信 来自赞助教师. 海报申请需要赞助教师批准. The appropriate request will be sent to the applicant's sponsoring faculty upon submission of the application.

Judges reviewing the applications will be looking for the following:

  • Quality of research
  • 学生对学科的掌握程度
  • 话题有广泛的受众兴趣

apply now button

The Expo 2024 application is now closed; Expo 2025 applications will open in January 2025.


  • 1月18日——开放申请
  • 3月20日-学生申请截止日期为晚上11:59
  • 3月22日-建议截止日期为晚上11:59
  • 4月5日——本科生网赌论坛有哪些报告:口头报告
  • 4月10日——本科生网赌论坛有哪些博览会:闪电会谈
  • April 12 – 本科生网赌论坛有哪些博览会: Poster Presentation Fair

The University of Rochester is committed to providing inclusive experiences and equal access to programs and services. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, please contact Ann Robinson (ann.robinson@sh-fyz.com). In all situations, a good faith effort (up until the time of the event) will be made to provide accommodations.

Keep scrolling for information about poster design, writing about research, and poster printing!

Printing Resources

演讲者负责印刷自己的海报. 向你的网赌论坛有哪些导师询问有关帮助降低印刷成本的问题. 海报尺寸为36"高* 48"阔(横向). 在“页面设置”中,将大小调整为36“h × 48”宽,然后“另存为”PDF. The 本科生网赌论坛有哪些办公室 will provide poster backings and clips for you to hang your poster; you need only bring your poster with you at set-up.

Option #1: The URMC的施乐打印服务公司 可印制学生海报; 你也可以使用许多在线打印服务.

  • 有哑光和光面海报纸可供选择
  • Choose "wide format"
  • Must be .pdf
  • 周转时间为3个工作日,具体取决于干燥时间.
  • Located in G-7230. 您可以拨打585-275-3879与他们联系
  • Open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
  • 只接受现金、支票或UR账号付款

Option #2:  Department of Physics & Astonomy, 巴尼斯电脑中心(BCC); provides large format printing to the general University community.

请为印刷预留充足的交货期 海报,确保他们准备好了 in advance of your presentation!

Writing Resources

Below is a link with writing tips and examples from PLOS (Public Library of Science), a non-profit, Open Access publisher. Topics covered include:

  • 如何写一个好标题
  • 如何写摘要
  • 如何编写方法
  • 如何报告统计数据
  • 如何写讨论和结论
  • How to Edit Your Work


Poster Design

As you design your poster,请留意以下事项:

Think of the poster session as an actual (albeit short) presentation of your work. 海报起到广告牌的作用,吸引人们进来, and then you talk to the viewers and provide them with additional details about your research. 记住设计很重要!